Didn’t you see the Caprican forecast?
We’ll see him again…and if it’s only in a flashback or in V-World.
Didn’t you see the Caprican forecast?
We’ll see him again…and if it’s only in a flashback or in V-World.
i am officially a but stumped by Caprica… i just don’t know if i like it or totally bored with it.
That’s the big complaint, I hear. It’s boring. Help me out. Why is it boring? Since you’re on the fence, what would hep you like it?
This week’s episode kind of left me feeling the same way. I want something BIG to happen, I guess. I feel like several of the characters are trying to figure out who they are, what they stand for. Example: Lacey. I can’t figure her out at all. She got involved in STO to help get Zoe to Gemenon, but now that Zoe is gone, why is she still involved?
Honestly, at first I was disappointed to see Amanda still alive. I felt like she was one of the weaker characters. But now that she suspects Clarice of being STO, that could make their relationship more interesting. I LOVE Clarice right now. She is the most interesting character on the show, IMO.
I’m also not sure what to make of the whole V-world stuff. Next week’s episode looks like we will see Tamara and Zoe again, but again I feel like we don’t know who stands for what, or why.
I’ll keep watching though. I’m holding out that it will get more interesting.
Ya know, I don’t think Clarice realizes what a bucket of crazy Amanda is.