Caprica 1X01 Pilot @ 9 PM ET

I think the show is making the same argument, though. Even this grieving father never really knew his beloved daughter. How could a Google search?

We leave more footprints in the world than any one person we know will ever see.

True, although…

You’re right, this is larger topic than can comfortably be handled in a frak party. Expect a forthcoming long rant about this. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good timing, too, considering it’s also a major theme in The Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Thoughts I had:

meta cognitive processor = Master Control Program = MCP (Tron). Anyone else thought that?

Sister Clarice feels like Kai Wynn (DS9) to me. Similar mannerisms and other things I can’t put into words.

Now, having seen the next episode, Sister Clarice no longer feels like Kai Wynn. d:

spent time with Zoe-A, now Zylon. Zylon could have learned much from Prime that wouldn’t be in a Google search. Perhaps that’s why Tamara seems to be broken. You’ve got to train your avatar.

Sister knows something!

Yes. Yes someone did.