Buffy 6x07 Once More, with Feeling 1/18 @ 10 PM ET

get the word out. you get stopped in MA, you gotta try the Buffy defense…just in case

What about The Annoying One?

look at the Dawnie hair. shiny

Frakkin Dawn, what a pain in the sorryBarb.

I said ALMOST all of them… :smiley:

LOL–he lived up to his hype.

Sweet! :slight_smile:

yep, Dawn and her androgynous male counterpart Connor

Dawn’s in trouble, must be Tuesday. :rolleyes:

The song coming where Jiles is singing about leaving and then Tara comes in is my personnal favorite.

Never noticed before that the demon has gold fingernails.

Can’t wait to see ASH in Repo!

Training montage !!

aside from looking cool, is there a reason buffy’s in slo mo while Giles isn’t?

You know, while I was watching this at 6:30 this morning I pretty much came to the same conclusion.

I also never noticed that his eyes are different sizes. Freaky.

Anyone ever see the actor/singer/dancer out of makeup?

Personal favor to me. :smiley:

On the special features extras they show him getting made up.


I hope the neighbors can’t hear me singing.