Anya’s moment.
The man is an Evil genius with a capital E.
They got to the autopsy really quick for a high body count town like Sunnydale.
Didn’t he read the sign?
“Employees will wash hands after using the morgue.” :rolleyes:
Well, it is the middle of the day, so that’s probably a slow time.
“Was it sudden?”
“Your mother. Was it sudden?”
“No. And yes. It’s always sudden.”
See? Rules about being around the recently dead. Very important. :eek:
I know that they have to put some kind of Slaying into each episode, but having a vampire attack dawn in the Morgue, I though that they could have done without that in this episode.
I don’t know. It helped the episode not be too morose, allowing a slight victory without taking away from the tragedy. In a strange way, it showed that life (such as it is) does still go on.