A. Where did Reily stash his cloths? B. How fast did he change?
How does Buffy know such big words.
This conversation between Buffy and Riley always cracked me up!
How did that not hurt Spikes head?
Well, Xander did use it earlier…
That scene is pretty brutal.
That is the first sound proof dorm room that I’ve ever hear of.
But the following “that’s never happened to me before” scene is HYSTERICAL!
Willow is so nice, Willow is trying to comfort Spike while he is trying to kill her.
Spike and Willow, after the “rape”, scene are awesome together
Oh, piffle! LOL!
well, it is Sunnydale. probably just can’t be bothered
LOL!! “it’s me, isn’t it?”
VERY funny!
This doesn’t make you any less terrifying.
Don’t patronize me!
So much for the Initiative. Willow can take three of them down without even using magic
room temp 62.3º in CA?
Really good AC. My dorms used to get really cold when the AC worked and that was in FL
Now why didn’t anyone recognize anyone else’s voice?
The Sunnydale effect.