Buffy 4X05 -- Beer Bad

And this is exacTly why you dont piss off your bartender

Some of your patrons are turning into cavemen.
They had it comin.

I think we found our suspect.

Thomas Aquinas…so easy a caveman could do it

Sorry 'bout that. I was thinking of back and Beyonce’s bouncy back came to mind and well that was followed by West’s idiocy.

“My brother-in-law’s a warlock” LOL! Handy.

it might be just me…but Cave(wo)man Buffy is much hotter than normal Buffy.

I love Willow’s witty retort to Mr D-bag Ahole

Boy smell nice.

Giles, don’t make cave slayer angry…

I’ll second that.

Don’t piss off caveslayer. Oy vey.

Frak beer. Fire bad. :frowning:

Ahh so thats how you use a fire extinguisher

The look on the face of the guy Giles is talking too! Hee hee!:smiley:

Well thats time for the unconscious girl to wake up

What did we learn about Beer.


Good episode!! Ill see yall next week. im probably gonna skip Angel. I didnt sleep much last night

HA! Clubbing Parker over the head, and the Scooby Gang! Priceless!

And Parker with the brain trauma.

Good night Mr. Lister Sir. See you next week, unless you’ll be at the B5 party.

So its a step up for him then