Season 1, ep. 3-4 Amy’s mom was the witch that tried to become a cheerleader again.
Sweet. Styling it up for the summer?
He is not the man to get help even if he gives good speeches.
Oh, it’s that girl? It’s been a long time and all of a sudden she pops up again?
It all smells very fishy.
Joyce pointing out the “disappearances”. Whoa!
Ooohh, mom making monsters = slayers. Now time for Buffy to wig.
My once a year cut. I donate my hair.
Neck ruptures. No. 1 cause of death in Sunnydale. Well, #2 after bears.
poor Giles and Joyce. Every time they see each other, they think: “We had sex”
She appeared again when Xander wanted to cast a love spell on Cordilia, and it backfired and affected all the other women. Amy was the one that cast the spell.
Oh, is this that Lock of Love thing?
Never Again? Wishful thinking much? This is the Hellmouth for frak’s sake.
Hulu seems to be only having charity adds.
Buffy has such a reputation that she doesn’t even have to make a threat anymore.
You got the idea. Also it is cooler in 95 degree temps.
So, this is clearly a dream sequence or flash-forwards, or alternate reality, or imagination sequences.
Just walk by and everyone freeks.
Why would you think that?
Never again! No more disapparences, no more gangs on PCP, no more mysterious neck ruptures…
A doodle. I do doodle. You too. You do doodle too.
Hehe! Love teh Joss-speak.