Well, he is high school faculty, so it’s likely he’s got a stash of confiscated goods.
And that is one really short vampire picking up the babies.
Joyce is lookin really good in this episode
Lucky! Again! :eek:
Or are the others just way to tall.
I worked in my high school one summer. We knew which teachers’ desks to raid…
- handcuffs come out -
NEVER tell me…
That’s what all that extra sexual energy will do for ya!
You’ve got to wonder if the parents ever got the right baby after this. I mean, if you’re offering babies as a tribute to a demon, you’re probably not going to keep track of which is which.
If he weren’t so evil he would be a great Mayor
Hi everyone! Did I miss anything?
you know. much of Sunnydales problems could be solved by haveing grates on their sewers
I love the Mayor.
Oh, and
I miss Oz.
that’s our Badger–always bringin’ that little extra helping of happy
Nothing that 2 hours watching Buffy won’t solve.
Just Buffy’s mom and Giles on a police car.
How was the game and subsequent beerfest?
You know that this was a really great episode because we had less than 60 posts for the frak party. Too busy watching to chat.
Ahh Giles and Joyce Boned!!
That’s why I’m here. I bring the fun in.
I was eating a snack and that slowed my typing down.