Buffy 3x04--Beauty and the Beasts

This could be a series on its own. Romeo and Mr. Hyde.

I think we broke her.

She was broken before this.


Oh, sorry. Wrong series.

“Anybody who really loved you couldn’t do this to you!”

Says the girl who stabs his boyfriend.



You think anyone here would get that? :smiley:

Don’t be silly. Buffy is the poster girl for positive, healthy relationships. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure, she stabs him that one time and suddenly she is an abuser…

How many times is this shit gonna happen before Giles installs Un-tip-over-able bookcases?

Great, now I’m going to be stuck with serious thoughts all day.

oh noes! serious thots all DAY!

And end on the story…

Well with the school budget being what it is, he’s lucky to have bookshelfs, much less books.

duude, get outta my heeead!

On Galactica Watercooler? Nah… inconceivable.

But Thot is always so serious!

So how do they explain every one of these Seniors still being in Sunnydale next year?

Is this like 90210? Do they all go off the CU together?

only when planning Fairy Parties!

Patience young padawan. All will be explained.

Besides, it’s still early in the season. What makes you think that any of them will survive until next year? :rolleyes: