BSG 3x15 A Day In The Life

Looks like it didn’t work!

Adama’s not the one that airlock’s people! eek

I’m surprised none of the civ ships have a docking collar that fits.

He’s trying to find something in common with his new girlfriend.

Seeing the wear & tear on Galactica makes me sad

that’s just a weird spot for airlocks. Are those all service ports?

And we’re back to the picture he pulled out of the drawer

and last week was my parent’s anniversary. I’d ask my mom if she does the same thing thinking about my dad but I’m sure she’d just get confused.

So Adama had just a crazy a wife as Tigh

Tomorrow is my parent’s anniversary

Crazy in a different way. Mrs. Adama went nuts from stress, I think Ellen was always crazy.

Love baby actors, they never do what they should exactly. :slight_smile:

And just think how old he is now.

“eye makeup” contacts. Great touch/attention to detail.

I wonder how much law changed over time.

“remember that time we got drunk and high and…” smooth Bill real smooth

and we’re back to the other picture frame when he’s with her

and now the end. Next up: UNIONS!