BSG 3X07 A Measure of Salvation

From her perspective, she’s totally justified. She’s been betrayed. Bamboozled.

oh I agree but that doesn’t justify torture =/

Pretty sure the Geneva Convention went up in a nuclear cloud. As the humans have our skinjob in a 3-handled steel dog collar.

“Hi my name is Lee and I’m GENECIDIAL!”

but pretty hot!

Lee, The Doctor, what is it with genecidal British boys that drives women crazy?

Be a scientist while looking AT BOOBS!

I imagine it’s the same thing men have for homocidal hot women

Mixed signals, Six, MIXED SIGNALS…

Miracle baby saves the day! (now try for another one you 2)

Good gods, Tahmoh is a giant man!

Have you met him at the Ent meetings Keir?

He never stays for the open discussion. Just waits for his name to be mentioned, everyone says, “ooh!”, and he leaves. ENT EGO.

HEY! It’s the inside of my old computer!

Geez! Ents! You give them a little bit of fame & it goes to their branches!


So I wonder how many days it took before Helo stopped jumping at every marine that walked up behind him?