BSG 3X04 Exodus Part 2

The actor who plays Leoben does such a good stalker-type guy.

He really does!

remember how some people didn’t pick up that it was HEAD 6 here?

I did not remember that…really? They didn’t notice?

I have a vague memory that some people didn’t notice. Might be in an old GWC episode.

And one last mind fuck…this is the one that really got Kara

this popped up in my tumblr last week, gifs of these scenes with the most accurate statement about it

Gaeta looks lost

remember when we cared and had emotions alongside Tori?


and thus endeth the lesson. Next week-same bat time, same bat channel. Final comments?

THis is some of the best stuff they did on this show. What I love about it is…with all the darkness we get an awesome payoff, bittersweet in the end. But it’s never sunshine & lollypops after the apocalypse

but I was hoping on having a lollypop Saturday! (it is after the apocalypse)
(actually, it may be me leaving my RPG group if people are dicks)

no new thread for tonight??? (or am I too impatient on this crappy snowed in night?)

Just talked to Badger, he’s working on it give it a minute or 2

phew thanks!

Catching up and wow. These four episodes at the start of season 3 still give me chills. Literally.

There’s so much that gets played out down the line… love this stuff!

Very true. I was just watching the scene when Gaeta confronts Baltar. Made me think of Gaeta’s end…