BSG 1x03 Bastille Day

Cock-blocker Tigh!

Zarek setting himself up as the populist hero. When will we see that again… oh wait always.

Not always-sometimes Cylons attack and no one pays attention to him.

Laura Roslin reads Zarek like a book. But I do like that Adama admits that they need her to stall him.

But he always sets himself up in that role. He’s the suffering man of the people, who knows the true way. etc. etc. Even if in the end what he wants is power.

She is right, for once…

Wonders never cease.

Creepy prisoner is creepy.

ew predator

“Sorry I got you taken hostage as I try to get in your pants…”

And here we get to the crux of my issue with the Colonial Military. Pilots are not ground combat troops. They’re far too valuable to be catching bullets outside of a cockpit. Early I get it but as the show goes on? No…just bring in some Marine characters. Like Mathias if you want ground troops. Make Anders a Marine not a pilot. Etc.

Isn’t Artemis god of the hunt?

note: theme!
Bill says Lee needs to take a side
Zarek says Lee needs to take a side

etc etc

OK, first off, Zarek, your ship isn’t full of “slaves”, it’s full of convicted criminals Adama should have shot off that ship’s cockpit and waited for surrender.

Zeus is calling

I do love the tie in to Greek Mythology.

I remember this argument when “Space: Above and Beyond” was on. They answered with “these people are trained-they do their job because they’re soldiers” (more or less).

Its amazing how badass and versatile those Raptors really are…

Yeah but just cause you work as a secretary at a microchip factory doesn’t mean you know how to make dual cores

Goddess, and yes. But her brother Apollo also had hunting under his purview.

Probably would have saved everyone a lot of time and trouble if they had just killed Cally here.

So why was he in the cage? Perhaps because he was a rapist who needed to be locked up?