BSG 1x03 Bastille Day

Ah, the terrorist diplomat. What a fascinating archetype.

oh hi Richard Hatch. I mean Tom Zarek.

Having like Osama Bin Laden on it though? Kinda convenient

At the start of the credits

it did add a random sense of reality to the whole thing…and did raise a TON of questions…like are you still a criminal when the justice system was destroyed?

Hiiiii Zarek…

Ahh Old Apollo, I err mean Tom Zarek

and opening sequence

Think of the storytelling possibilities though

Apollo, meet the alt-universe Apollo! (and start credits)

I saw them =D

ahhh downtown Van…Caprica

It’s funny to see the poundy drums scenes since it’s not like I can be spoiled or anything. I do remember looking away though.

Yeah shoot /a/ rat and let anyone within like 10 blocks know where you are. Helo you tactical genius

I always wondered how the cities were so intact after being nuked.

Of COURSE the rats survive the nukes…ewwww

watching over us

oh Helo if only you knew

I actually forgot about those until last week. I don’t remember one way or another whether I looked away.

I like Lee’s matter-of-fact answer “you weren’t, it was banned. I read it anyways”

So funny seeing Dualla so clean and pretty. After seeing her in “Persons Unknown” as a psycho gang-banger, she’s even more stunning now. Those eyes…

I did like the cut-away from the “children to parents” line…right into Apollo and Apollo-Prime talking…was nicely done…

oh Billy. You are failing at being an ally. Listen to Dee and respect her experiences…