That one is teal!
Everything is so bright, and happy, and optimistic…almost as if… =)
I laughed way too much at that.
Everything looks so fresh & clean!
Look at Cheif…so young.
And the Mark 2
Man that execution had me sobbing. Well a lot of season 4 had me sobbing
Dat Mk VII. Dat Mk II
Chief looks so like the world isn’t crushing him
Awww! Look at the Chief! So young! So eager!
We’ve gotten some new people since those days, and some of them even admitted they’ve never watched BSG.
That said, everyone should watch it. So say we all.
OMG Chief looks like a baby
why am I getting watery eyed in the presence of roslin?
Wow what a trip to see all these characters we know so well, and know what they’re all heading into.
Dammit I may start crying already? When did I become such a cryer?!
Baby Apollo and his brother (whose name has escaped me)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Helo.
For quite some time, in fact.
You brought recruits? You should have called ahead so we could clean up!
This is the exact moment I fell in love with Starbuck
Raul, pause for 2 minutes…you’re a fair shot ahead.
Starbuck…buck, buck, buck
And BOTH eyes!
Helo trying to distract Starbuck.
Wait for it, wait for it,
Starbuck explodes!