BSG 0x01 The Miniseries, Part 1

That suit looks so drab up at the podium, Doral. I’m surprised.

Chief, you look so young.

Love the bruise on Tigh’s face.

Ok, time check. At 10:45 I am at 42 minutes. Adama doing big speech, think I am a little behind per Keir’s comments.

Is there ANY media that does space fighter combat as good as BstarG? I think not

No, you are right in sync with me, personally.

Chief looks young. And THIN.

Yeah Adama is doing his speech just after the long pause

You’re about where I am. Adama has gone off-script “We refuse to accept responsibility for anything we’ve done”

We started at :05 after.

I’m a bit behind you actually so were all like around there ish

“We visit all of our sins upon our children.”

Wonderful speech.

I am about where you are…Lee listening to the speech on the radio and Kara in the brig

Still don’t understand why the bars on the brig are pocked and distressed. The rest of the ship is pristine. Old habits, prop crew.

The destruction of Caprica
Balter: “What have I done”

My Crom, to think this was a pilot. Brilliant.

Probably because we /expect/ a jail to look janky

And the various ships en route back to Caprica.

And the bombs just started dropping

Solai you’re with most of us, Nothing but the Rain & Casilda are slightly ahead

Six: I can’t die

Okay, How does Balter survive that blast?

And how did Baltar survive that, again?

What is soon to be Colonial One!

Oh poor Caprica. The Planet, and Six.