hey purple cyclops guy…you missing anything?
“This is mighty white of you.”
Never understood that.
very a la mode
now i want ice cream and piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
I like her a lot.
me likey Ms Schroder…
ummm…are they applauding a song about a dress?
honest to crom–I thougt he said there are no “pimps”
“Can’t expect to have everything.”
That’s very enlightened for a dirty politician.
“You don’t even seem like a whore.”
Aw, you say the sweetest things.
what the FRAK!!!:eek:
Uh. That was unsettling. :eek:
guess she does know what she wants…
Huh. That was anticlimactic.
not turned the head around during sex unsettling…but very unsetlling
There’s no accounting for taste.