Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage July 9th 6 PM ET

I remembered she was governmental.

Benny had a good day as well. d:

I think she made her point.

“She’s the type who would give up frakking if there’s a war to be fought.”

Love that line. So true though.

Did you catch the pics on Benny’s computer? :smiley:

I guess they don’t rig the corks like they do at the fairs here…

Poor Revi…


And, she seems more like Rock’s type.

Revi sure is helping our reputation in Japan…

Must be a bitch to smuggle weapons into a country that does not allow them.

Someone didn’t know who they were messing with.

That was some nice artwork.

Great now she is going to emotionally scar these kids…

The bad English takes me out of the show.

Ginji embodies the romantic ideal of the Yakuza, rather than the common street thug with expensive tattoos. A honorable warrior like the samurai of old…

Kinda like that guy in Predators. d:

Wait, is she too young for Rock?

Where are all of Rock’s bruises?

I wonder what Wasihime means. I know hime is princess.

“Aniki! Aniki!!”