Bicentennial Man 2/11 @ 10 PM ET

The Sousa music really makes the moment, doesn’t it. :smiley:

Nope. ‘The Naked Sun’

Wow. Nice attention to detail on the palms of his hands.

I’ve never read it. Added to the ever increasing list. :rolleyes:

I love the evolution of the character throughout the film. He starts out with the servo sounds and flashing lights, very mechanical and electronic. Then as time passes…well…you’ll see.

I love the bit with the spider. No reason a robot would have any qualms about killing one. An interesting first clue that he’s somewhat different…

Sam Neill is great in this.

I’ve seen it before. (: Just noticing more stuuff.

“Your sister tried to kill Andrew.”
“You too?” :smiley:

I think I’m wrong about which novel but I remember a robot killing a human. Sort of anyway. A human tricked the robot into killing a human. Then once the robot realized what it did, it’s brain failed and it died.

The blinking eyes while he is reading the book is great. It connects with the audiences as if he is photographing each page into his mind.

Oh. That doesn’t count. Robots can only follow the laws to best of their abilities and knowledge.

“One is glad to be of service.” :o

OMGs, that moon and stars thing on the wall! My grandmother had one just like it. I wonder whatever happened to that.

“…that would appeal to Little Miss’ love of tiny mammals.” :smiley:

Him listening to music is reminding me of John Connor’s uncle watching summer perform ballet.

Such a beautiful moment.

“…possibly a predator was chasing it.” :smiley:

“How do you make a hankie dance? Put a boogie in it.” :smiley:

My favorite is this part, playing the duet.