Sorry, below is a bit of Enterprise bashing… You should still watch season 3 and 4… they are ok… like Voyager season 6 and 7 are ok…
Enterprise is an example of doing a show just for the sake of having a show. It had no idea what the fan wants. The creators had no idea what they wanted. They had no vision, they just want to have a “star trek show” so that money would come in.
The main character’s interaction was so few and poor in Enterprise, by season 4 it still feel like they’ve just all learned each other’s name. The only thing that developed was sexual tension.
I watched. I watched every single gods darn episode, from the temporal cold war, to the genetics altered stuff, to the Xindi what the frak.
I admit by the time they moved to Vulcan the show got a little better. The show got a little better when they finally decided T’Pal and Trip was the better pairing, wasting a butt load of time in the process, time which could be used to develop Mayweather, Hoshi, and the Reed.
So we had the Archer, Trip, Phlox and the horny Vulcana show most of the 4 seasons.
If these writers and producers had never done a show before, then fine, waste 3 season before it gets good. But it was Star Trek, with over 21 seasons of none stop shows under their belt, and I don’t care if it is tradition, Star Trek should NOT do 3 seasons of crap before knowing what they should do with the show.
I mean if Battlestar did 3 season of crap, 3 seasons of shows like the black market, would you watch it? Heck, it got a little off track now and then and some people already tuned off.
And when it comes to wrap up the show, the ending was HORRIBLE. It just goes to show the writers and producers still thinks that TNG is the only way of making Star Trek. They think the reason people tuned off is because it wasn’t TNG.
People tuned off because there is no thought to the story. And if Paramount spent some time promoting DS9, it’d would have been the best and most watched Trek Show EVER. And I don’t care how much you spend on promoting Enterprise, if the show was aimless to begin with, with a crew without personality, it was going to fail.