Babylon 5: Thirdspace - 4/3 @ 10PM ET

“It’s beautiful.”

“Yeah, well so is a cobra.”

Zack has a thing for cobras.

Ever look at (read isn’t really the right word) that book? He really brought some the great creatures of sci-fi to life. Just masterful.

Hey! Look at that. We get to see a bot up close.

Nope. I’ll have to check it out.

Too bad it’s dead. :frowning:

Poor Lyta. What those Vorlons did to her? We’ll see more of that in the 5th Season.

“There is Danger. Remember.”

Helpful? No.

Crazy? Oh yeah.

“Over a million years old.”

I really liked that about B5. We ain’t alone. Stuff’s been going on for a long time.

Although one wonders how they performed carbon dating on a sample from the outside of a spaceship.

Yeah. That makes no sense.

Zack and Lyta.

Zack doesn’t notice because this is how she always treats him.

Nice big warning in Vorlon text. Nobody ever listens. Le sigh. :frowning:

“There’s something about you that frankly, I’m nuts about.”

The fact that she’s nuts, maybe.


Yep, Zack. That just about sums it up.

Awww the poor bots. What did they ever do to you?

All those bots coming at you with their claws out? Scary. :eek:

That makes no sense as well. The last time a bot was close to that thing it lost power. It’s not like those bots would have done some damage.

Whatever happened to Lyta?

We find out now.

IPX lady knows all! :eek:

I think it’s time to call Indiana Jones.