Babylon 5: A Call to Arms - 7/10 @ 10PM ET

The female navigator became the doctor in ‘Excaliber’.

Wow, now that is cross training.

And the guy scanning Daltron 7 was in ‘24’ and played Tony Almeida.

Anyone else I should look for?

So your boss takes the toys that you were building for him, and you think that when you catch up with him, HE’S the one that’s going to be in trouble?

I’ve got to say. I really didn’t like the way this was filmed. Too many close-ups and camera movement with things in the way. Director choices but I didn’t like it.

Not that I can think of.

Drake is just upset cuz he thinks they are his babies. He doesn’t know Sheridan and Garibaldi very well.

As Galen said, there is a spy.

Actually, Anderson’s second-in-command was in a few Trek episodes. I know he played a Romulan in ‘Face of the Enemy’.

Awww, heck. That’s a lotta ships.

“Why me?”

Because we paid you to appear in this episode.

“You’re asking the impossible.”
“Then I’m asking the right person.”

Sheridan knows how to kisss ass.

I guess Luchenko won a second term.

He’s a politician now.

“I think we found the leak, Mr. President. I’ll have to call you back.”

Garibaldi, always so cool even with a gun pointed at him.

I had a problem with Drake being the leak. He was the head of the Excalibur project so, therefore the Drakh should have known all about the ships, including any weakness.

“Use the Force Sheridan…”

“I made a promise to her to protect her from the monsters.”

Big Badda Boom.

Saw Fifth Element last night.