Babylon 5: 5x02 The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari - 4/17 @ 11PM ET

I love the bit about the Shirley Temple. :stuck_out_tongue:

I like the Vir and Lenner scenes. They were always a fun couple. :smiley:

“Tell me, Sheridan. Do you ever get used to it?”
“Used to what?”
“Being dead.”
“Well, I wasn’t dead very long…” :smiley:

Sheridan’s wardrobe changes are awesome. It reminds me of Dave Bowman in 2001.

was thinking the exact same thing…

“You wanna get some rest?”

Maybe some stims? :rolleyes:

mmmm–stims…lovely stimsss…

to the Narn homeworld…

Watching Londo and G’Kar together is like a dance. Two great actors, exercising their craft. Truly masterful.

I’m enjoying the scene too much to stop and type about it…

Gkar—he told you to scream…you were the one who held out

,tho Cartagia was bat sh*t crazy

“Sorry… Sorry… I’m… sorry… G’Kar…”

Goosebumps. :eek:

the look on Virs face is freakin priceless

Great acting for a great character.

Delenn—dont use the F word…geez…

I had a long day today with a bunch of great stuff and one really sucky thing. If I get around to it, I may talk about it tomorrow. Night.

its the great stuff that gets you through the sucky stuff sometimes.

Night all!

Good night, guys.