Babylon 5: 4x14 Moments of Transition - 2/20 @ 11PM ET

ahhh Bester…I am fully nauseous now

You can see that Neroon thinks that the leader of the warrior cast is an idiot.

“Humanity is my business.”

“…shallow end of the gene pool.”

Walter must have loved this job.

he gets the Christmas Carol reference Bester…just nobody likes you…

“Make sure he gets enough fiber. That’s always important.” :smiley:

And he is on the station as an official representative of Psi-Corp. On the rebel station. Isn’t that grounds to shoot him?

why yes…yes it is

Love the cop stuff between Michael and Zack. Garibaldi’s too smart for you Zack. You should have hauled his arse to jail. You’re the Chief!

They know the location of the rebel base???

The Death Star will be there soon! :eek:

you may fire when ready…

“Extremely loud and clear.”

Bester knows Lyta is more powerful than she is telling.

kinda scares him a bit too

heh heh heh

Bester already has the paperwork.


But he is working around that…

“It’s not a bad deal.”

That’s what the devil…I mean…well, yeah.

“Not now, just when you’re not using it anymore.” :smiley:

aawwww that’s just nasty

There is a Minbari writing everything down. Wouldn’t an advanced culture have a better recording device?

Zack and Lyta, most uncomfortable relationship EVAH.
