Babylon 5: 4x01 The Hour of the Wolf - 1/9 @ 10PM ET

“You were requested.”
“By whom?”
“You’ll see.” :eek:

Intersting how detailed Vir’s description of the events are, since most of the eye witnesses (Except Morden) were in line of sight of the blast.

ATM video footage. :slight_smile:

Is just a touch past crazy

Mr Morden is creepier than ever!

He’s only getting started. :eek:

He’s got the most evil smile possible

Kosh 2.0 is such a dick. :mad:

This Kosh makes me want to punch him

“Respect is irrelevant.”


That would probably be unwise. :frowning:

G’Kar in that hat is just so goofy lol

Love that bit about Daffy Duck

“One of his household gods?”

Daffy demands a thacrifithe!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Lenier proving again he is awesome

I’ve had some twisted, scary dreams in my life that seemed entirely too real.

Thinking of them when I watch this scene terrifies me to my very soul. :eek:

Wortham Krimmer’s Cartagia reminds me once again how under rated Soap actors are in Hollywood

good god! You can see the crazy dancing in his eyes!

“What are a few million lives compared to the glory of becoming a living god?”

:eek: Too much religion is never a good thing. :eek:

What was he on? One Life to Live?

I know it was one my mom watched. I think he was on at the same time this aired.