Audio book Suggestion

It’d be even better if it wasn’t abridged =/ Makes me a sad panda

For any interested I can attest to the quality of both Pullman’s Dark Materials Trilogy and Gaiman’s American Gods, both are very well done audiobooks. Not exactly scifi, but Dostoevsky’s Brothers Karamazov on audiobook is terrible; great book but the voice acting is really annoying, at least the version I heard. Stephenson’s Snow Crash is also very good on audiobook.

I was listening to the GWC after frak party from last week or the week before and one of the people talking I think her name was bkitty mentioned some book called Tamara nad it was about dragans and I cant seem to find it on audible.

Since the Honorverse has come up as a topic since I first posted, I think I should reiterate the recommendation of the The Lost Fleet series.

Since there’s been Gaiman talk here, let me suggest the free podiobook Chasing the Bard by Philippa Ballantine that can be found on iTunes and It’s dark fantasy that similarly puts interesting spins on familiar myths, all within a tale that explains where Shakespeare found his inspiration for A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It’s very well performed, and Ballantine’s style is, though not quite as dark as Gaiman’s, perhaps a little steamier. I’m near the end, and am wishing it were longer just so I could hear more of her descriptions of Renaissance England in her luscious kiwi accent.