Arrested Development 1X01: Sunday 4E/1P

“I’d rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona.” :smiley:

No offense Baconface. :stuck_out_tongue:

Although Emma Darwin is going to be played in a recent movie by Jennifer Connelly.

However, despite good reviews it has yet to find an American distributor due to it’s controversial subject matter. Which by the way isn’t the fact that Darwin married his cousin… :frowning:

I love that show…

None taken :stuck_out_tongue:

[COLOR=“DarkSlateGray”]Just typing here for the posting limit…[/COLOR]

George Michael ftw

Wee, that was fun…

Obviously, you mean this controversy:

I think we should start doing two of these together on Sundays instead of just one, they are kinda short.

So are you planning to have this every week? We could do more than one episode if that works for everyone else.

GMTA :rolleyes:

Hah! :slight_smile:


Yes, lets do this every week. We could watch at least two because they are only half hour shows.

Well are people game for another one now?

I can do it

I’m ready too

Sure. Episode two at :45?

sure sounds good

I’m starting Top Banana now…

There’s always money in the banana stand!

This is a great ep