Armageddon -Rewatch

That looked like a Firefly “compressor coil” !!

“Chewy? Have you even seen Star Wars.”

Fun story, but totally impractical.

“First team that gets to 800 ft wins.”

“Ok, you drill, you, you drop the nuke, and you leave.
You’re gonna remote detonate the bomb.”

Sweet moment between Grace and AJ.

Two Teams.

Training with the Armadillo.
Training underwater.

“Restart the simulation”

The boys get a 10-hour leave.

Some Aerosmith music.

Another cool, sweet scene-
Chick goes to see his ex-wife and young son.

“I have something coming up, you just might be proud of me.”

Astronaut bar fight.

Another meteor coming in at 30,000 mph !

Launch Day.

This scene between Harry and Grace still chokes me up.

Ok, this has to be the absolute WORSE rendition of “Leavin on a Jet Plane” EVER


“That man’s you’re daddy”


“…built by the lowest bidder.”

“T-minus one minute”

Lift-off for Independance an Freedom