Angel 5x04 Hell-Bound

“There is something else here at Wolfram & Hart.”


Wasn’t there a thing about railroad spikes?

From Wikipedia:

He adopted the nom de guerre “Spike” based on his habit of torturing people with railroad spikes – possibly prompted by criticism of his poetry: “I’d rather have a railroad spike through my head than listen to that awful stuff.”

Ahhhh. Hivemind ftw! :smiley:

“Ixnay on the ogday.”

Personal favor from an embodiment of concentrated evil? Yeah, that can’t go wrong. :eek:

The swirly shadows remind me of Ghost at the end. :eek:

But he asked so nicely…

Holy Craaaaap! It’s the ATTIC! :eek:

“Welcome to Hell.”

Just keeps getting darker. :eek:

He has more power now, so he is becoming more vengeful.

Still, a really good episode.

Darker and more depressing. Makes me long for Pylea

Off to bed with me.
This has not been a good week for me. I am SO looking forward to the NYCC meetups.

Gn guys. :slight_smile: