Angel 5x02 Just Rewards

“They eat babies.” Like trolls! :eek:

“I’m in a meeting, Spike.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t care.” :smiley:

“OK, too soon, I understand. Slayer loving freak.”

Just the heads. :slight_smile:

OMFGs seeing Jame M back in action is worth just about anything.

I’m amazed that you’ve been unspoiled. Enjoy this, D. :smiley:

“Send him in.”

giggle :stuck_out_tongue:


“I’m from WOlfram and Hart.”
“I’m his date.” :smiley:

“I’m from Wolfram and Hart”
“I’m his date”

So. Much. Slash. :smiley:

Clearly Angel is unfamiliar with True Blood. Vampires and necromancers don’t mix.

Seriously! First Hauser, now Angel. Good grief. These people need HBO

Did Spike just call Angel “Beefcake”?

And the slash keeps coming. :slight_smile:

“Circle of Death, eh?” :smiley:

Too busy watching to comment.

“I’m itching to get physical.” SLASHTASTIC!

IBIMB :smiley:

“Oh come on. Had to get a few licks in, didn’t I?”

More slash. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Preachin’ to the horse’s mouth.” :smiley:

Welcome back Spike. :slight_smile:

Fred is dressing a whole lot nicer now. :wink: