Angel 4x09 Long Day's Journey

it was Manket, not Manbearpig

Too sweaty. What if I just blew her fuse? :groucho:

Half man, half pig, half bear, half…whut, kat?? :eek:

“Swimsuit edition. He’s occupied.”

What do you…? Oh. Eww. :eek:


“The answer is among you.”


Poor Manny. :frowning:

“It’s OK, Connor. I’m here now.”

Just heartbreaking.

Damn you, Joss. :mad:

And the sun fades away.

Hooray! Finally a happy ending! :stuck_out_tongue:

“That’s what the little girl meant.”

Or was it?! :eek:

this season is such a mindfrak. and not the good kind :frowning:

It’s sad, really, because there’s a lot of awesome in it. It just needed to be tied together better. And certain… elements… should have been reconsidered. :eek:

Looking forward to the next episode. G’Nite Badger! :smiley:

Good night, D&D. :slight_smile:

good night, Mr B :slight_smile: