Angel 3x06 Billy

The Fred hotel scene reminds me of the ‘The Shining’

I’m sure that was the intent.

Can you say cuncussion? Hitting people in the head doesn’t just knock them out…

That was neat. It’s like Billy recharged his strength somehow by touching the ground. Just sort of fascinating how that worked.

“Its weird, Im getting used to being creeped out and comforted at the same time.”

Another episode down.

I’m closing again Saturday Night so I’m gonna miss Farscape frak yet again. If the episodes started later I could catch the second episode.
Is there a reason that they have been sceduled to start at 9PM?

I like this episode, but it’s definitely a big downer.

So here’s an upbeat fan video with some scenes from it. :stuck_out_tongue:


Because we’re old and tired? :stuck_out_tongue:

If it’s going to be problematic, we’ll probably be able to push them back.

Funny video! The scene with Angel dancing is still the funniest moment, except where Spike is giving a color commentary…

I try to get an early shift on Saturday, but someone has to close and that’s the day that people like to ask off. Usually it works out, but this month has been bad for scheduling. (And work, and life, and health, and heat, and …) :wink: