Angel 1x02--Lonely Hearts

And how did Spike get a scar above his eye? He can heal from a burning building collapse, but the small cut leaves a scar?

Score!!! :D:D I dance the dance of happiness

maybe he got it when he was alive

He got it when he killed his first slayer.

Really great music in this show. Joss does a great job of picking songs.

I believe I covered that with nondairy kerplooey

I know the demon is desperate, but really, change the shirt.

Ahh back when Angel was all gadgety…i bet those were notes from Fox

Or did Angel start on the WB…the gadgets do seem like studio notes.

What is this, a lobster?

This episode is so Raymond the Alien. Ewwww.

now to finish Top Chef!

Well fellow Whoreites, another evening is done. I’m off to bed to take care of many chores tomorrow. See you all at the Eureka party.

Good night all.

night kimmeh!