Aliens 8/6 @ 10 PM ET

Okay thats just about the scariest thing I’ve ever heard . well just put you harms way and not give you the means to protect yourself…

someone should be jail for that decision

Mentioned earlier.

How am I so far ahead?

I’m up to “Game over, man, game over!” already.

Stranger than fiction, huh?

game over man!!


I don’t know. What’s your time at?

Could be the framerate monster again.

1:27 of 2:28.

Ah! I’ve got 2:34. Hmmm, weird. How many frakkin versions of this film are there?

I beg your pardon, sir! I was trying to finish my dinner in the first few min. of the movie

Right now they are planning to hold up against the Aliens.

cross my heart and hope to die… Thats actually a pretty moving little scene

Sorry if that was nasty, you D-come-lately.

no worries. just givin’ a little back :smiley:

Just sticking my head into the Frak party to say this is one of my all time fav sci fi movies.

And, Talos, holy crapp dude. 15,000 posts?!!1 Kull Wahad!!!

Pausing. Let me know when Ripley is talking with Burke.

They just showed a scene with camera sentries, mounted with guns. That’s cool. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this version. They are talking about the Alien hive right now.

Bishop just told Ripley that Burke wants to take specimens back.

you mean you don’t have the special edition? that’s really a shame. as with Cameron’s Abyss, it really makes the story richer

The auto machine guns weren’t in the theatrical version at all. Special Edition has em, does the Director’s cut?

Then why aren’t you watching it with us? :stuck_out_tongue:

And, Talos, holy crapp dude. 15,000 posts?!!1 Kull Wahad!!!

I hadn’t even noticed. Milestones abound. :slight_smile:

Ripley’s talking to Burke now, Mr B