Aliens 7/21 @ 10 PM ET

They’ve got great take out

“Building Better Worlds”…

Didn’t the Operator say that in Serenity too? And it went soooooo well…

“Building better worlds”
Sounds like the Alliance

Stay away from the ship

I hated when I would get in trouble for playing in the air vents

Wheel, Big, Toy, Serial Number 3245175.981

That’s where all the cool dirt and stuff was though!

Don’t go into the bad ship

“Dad knows what he’s doing.”

Not so much.

Oh god, not good
I would scream too

Oh the idiot Lt.

Flipping up your suit collar doesn’t make you look cooler.

You can’t guarantee crap Lt

Hey, he’s been trained to fail completely in situations like this!

I kinda like it

BUT it DOES make you look futuristic! :slight_smile:

Don’t go kiddo

Yeah. He did great in all the simulations.

Ripley please punch Burke

Space is disease and death wrapped in darkness and silence!!! Oops, wrong movie.