Alien 7/20 @ 10 PM ET

Geez, everybody’s smoking in that confined space

The windy no-name ugly planet

You couldn’t pay me enough…

If the only knew what was coming to them.

Hey don’t mess with Ripley

Love Ripley’s high tops

Ok alien spaceship ahead
Danger, danger Will Robinson

“What is it?”
Be very afraid guys

Ok, are we getting nervous yet?

that just creepy

Such an “alien” looking ship

That was no explosion!

Exploded from inside?
Yes get the hell out of there.

Listen to her and leave

Not an SOS - A warning?

that weird rattling sound is kind of creepy.

Ok, getting sweaty palms now.

Meant to make us uncomfortable.

No you got it right… The’re eggs.

Oh crap - the pods

Run, run for your lives !!