6.07 "Dr. Linus"

Widmore knew about the upcoming war, but maybe he is on his own side and we’ll get a war between 3 fractions. Or Team Jacob and Team MIB have to work together against Widmore.

I keep thinking there will be a third side as well.

Also, at some point didn’t we see 2 or 3 smokies joining up to form a bigger one? I wonder if Jacob could turn into a smoke monster as well. Dharma called it a Cerberus which is a multi-headed (normally 3) dog that guards the entrance to the underworld. Smokey, Jacob, ?

What would be hilarious is if Widmore surfaces at Hydra, picks up UnLocked and crue and sods off with them back to LA. Meanwhile Ilyana is left on the beach thinking “darn. didn’t think o’ that.”

I think that both Kwons count so that makes up for Locke.

If Jacob’s touch means that the touchee becomes immortal and ageless like Richard and all the six candidates have been touched, why is Ilana so concerned about protecting them?

You are assuming he meant a literal touch.

I’m taking this out of context for fun.
(I agree about Ilana though.)

Aaaahhhhh! I hadn’t thought of that, but I did suspect he was in league with smokey. Did we ever find out why Ben kicked Widmore off the island???

Haha. Great hair though.

I shouldn’t blog when I’m in a “Stream of Consciousness” mood.

Did we ever find out why Ben kicked Widmore off the island???

'Cause Ben tried to steal his power and tattled on him. Widmore had an affair with someone off the Island (Penny’s mom) which is apparently a no-no. I’m guessing this was after he split from Eloise and she took Daniel off the Island.

You’re right about him knowing about the war (I had to look it up). In The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, when Locke tells Widmore that he has to bring everyone back to the island, Widmore says he will do everything in his power to help him. When Locke asked him why, he says “Because there is a war coming John. And if you’re not back on the Island when that happens, the wrong side is going to win.” Widmore is waiting at the “exit” in Tunisia after Locke turns the wheel, where MIB (presumably in the form of Christian Shepard) tells him he needs to bring everyone back.
Pretty strong evidence that Widmore’s on the side of MIB.

I think it should be called “Pilot” and be about how Lapidus saves the day.

I like this as much as ‘Found’.

True. ‘Found’ has my vote.

Since MIB wants somebody to take care of the Island and Ben neglected his offer, Widmore would be the perfect candidate.