#289: Happy 5th Birthday, GWC

There’s always Juan! Somebody Skool this Fool. :smiley: I keed. I keed.

Gryper wields the Ban Hammer like the Mighty Thor. You do not want to tempt her wrath. Thanks to some spamkiller tweaks, she has only banned 2 this past month. She’s hungry. looks over at a growling Gryper

so this is the acoustic set?

Happy Birthday. +1 for old school foreign hotness +2 for strap on.

get healthy Sean, not sure of the deets, but if it involves a strap on and shouting, it can’t be all that bad :slight_smile:

next week … on a very special GWC podcast … dogs, lasers, smoke, whiskey, nukes, boobs, fever … and giggles … tune in … be there or be square.

I’m a dot.

That cast pretty much sums up why I enjoy the lyrical adventures of Chuck, Sean and Audra. Yes BSG was the reason I found them but their relationship and the expanding community kept me listening long after that show ceased to be the focal point. The fifth anniversary (congratulations btw) was just a joy to listen too and yes maybe not the best episode for a new listener but perhaps the most revealing:)

Happy 5th. I think I’ve been listening for about three. It fast became one of the “priority list” podcasts, the small handful that jump to the top of the queue when released - and it continues to be so.

Like several others, it’s got me through a few times. Most importantly, back in early '09 it was listening to GWC that kept me smiling and entertained so that I had the strength to help someone close to me get through a rough time. The 'cast kept me sane when it mattered.

So to the GWC crew, both on- and off-mic, I thank you all.

That’s a pretty lame attempt to get banned. :rolleyes:

Now 5 spammers banned this month. And I do not growl…I purr. Yeah that’s the ticket…I purr. :smiley:

Happy 5th Birthday GWC! Sorry I didn’t call or send a congrats earlier. I’ve been listening to your podcast since season 2 of BSG. I even downloaded your Star Wars arc. It is by far the BEST podcast that is out there. Keep up the good work. It is the highlight of my week.

Happy Birthday GWC!

Vote for your favorite GWC Podcast 289 quote(s). This poll will close on October 11th, 2011 at 10:19 PM.

Happy Birthday!!!

This is a minor point, but, yeah, one of the reasons I kept listening at first was the amazing sound quality. At the time even podcasts like Car Talk were almost unlistenable, you guys rocked.

See you in 10 and hopefully 50!

Ooh! Maybe it will be a dynasty! Squeaks will take over when Sean retires!

happy b day gwc have the best times listening to you guys every week can’t wait for the next meet up

When you reach the 100 birthday, I (or my descendants) will make sure that you get a telegraph from the queen (or what monarcy we have).

What is a telegraph?


Damn, damn, damn - My brain is all over the place - I meant telegram…

Also, what is a Queen?

Also, what is a Queen?

Is that like an instant message?

A man dressed like a woman?

So it is something like an IM from a man dressed like a woman. Okay, that makes sense.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course

I actually put this over on Google+ but I needed to put it here too.

I am always behind on my podcast listening. I miss the days where I could just sit at work and listen all day. Not really an option now as I babysit. However I love that GWC is one of only two that I listen to that I can play in front of the toddler. The language is never worse than what she hears at home and the context just flies over her head. I on the other hand get a break from the Backyardigans and other kids music from time to time.

Today we listened to #289 the birthday cast. It was so funny when the topic was squeak and her squeaking. From the carseat behind me I hear “are they talking about me?” I had to laugh because she does fit the bill.

I really liked the discussion about GWC as a community or extended family. I really love that concept. I have a chosen family in my life that is (right or wrong) closer and arguably more important to me than my blood family. Some live close and some don’t but they are the people I can turn to whenever I need them much like you were talking about. I view the GWC community very similarly though I”m more like the distant cousin you only see at family reunions or the character Irving form Phineas and Ferb… I lurk on the forum and see what is going on but don’t often jump in. Even so you guys are all an important part of my life. I love you guys.

I am in the middle of listening to the birthday cast but I wanted to say a big Happy Birthday to everyone involved. Like a few people here, I also am not on the forums a ton, but I sure enjoy the cast and feel really comfortable with this community, unlike a lot of places on the net. So here’s to another 5 years and me getting a few more posts in. So Say We All!