#279: Vehicles in Sci-Fi, Part 1

I remember seeing the Enterprise Fly-by in ST:TMP and falling in love. Jerry Goldsmith’s music portrays the majesty and wonder of what the USS Enterprise represents perfectly.

The Enterprise is home, protector, and fellow adventurer. She shares the journey and the sole responsiblity of taking us into the unknown.


Vehicles in Sci-fi (and life, really) are an extension of dreams, hopes, and sense of adventure. Their purpose and attitude reflect the persona of the ones they house (e.g. The Death Star, Borg, Serenity). Just as a home is not just wood, concrete, and dry wall. These vessels are not just cold steel and wires. They are alive, filled with the spirit and initiative of its occupants.

Another thing to explore is the tradition of vessels always being referred to as ‘She’. This tradition always drives home the thought of the vessel being a character rather than a cold soulless machine, and remember the agony we all felt when the Enterprise was scuttled in Star Trek III?

I also remember wincing when Serenity crashed in the movie, we had so much emotionally invested in these vessels. There is something in the human make-up that causes us to bond with our favorite vehicles and devices, we talk to them and pet them when they get dinged up, we try to reason with them when they won’t start and when we finally let them go we reminisce about all the good times we had in it.

My personal favorite as far as fictional vehicles would have to be “HMS Surprise” from the Jack Aubrey series of novels.

The detail that Patrick O’Brien gave her in every aspect of shape, history, life aboard and role in the story was inspired. “Surprise” was not just a collection of wood, metal, cloth, rope and men but a vital part of the plot.

The replica used in the movie is in San Diego. Given fair weather, it would be worth a step outside for those interested in such things.

"The Surprise is not old; no one would call her old. She has a bluff bow, lovely lines. She’s a fine seabird: weatherly, stiff and fast… very fast, if she’s well handled. No, she’s not old; she’s in her prime. " JA

Did the tour of the ships in the San Diego harbor a few years ago including the Surprise. Very Awsome!

Sweet! OMGs, I love the Patrick O’brian novels and the dear beloved HMS Surprise.

Ditto that.

Although the ship I love the most is the sloop-of-war (a ship-rigged sloop) USS Constellation.

I tell you another iconic bike - Kaneda’s bike - looks so cool :slight_smile:

Are we frakking any ‘Vehicle Films’? Like:

Starship Yamato
Tank Girl
Galaxy Quest
Road Warrior
Super Atragon

And so forth…

Smokey and the Bandit, Cannonball Run…

Zombie Survivor - Great post and great story to your little powerhouse!

YES!! Exactly like that. :cool:

I haven’t had a chance to listen to this podcast yet, I will soon though. I notice in the description that David Weber’s A Beautiful Friendship is mentioned. It may or may not have been mentioned but the eARC has been released (Baen books are really good like that) and I’ve read a copy. It’s quite good. The first half of the story is basically the short story from one of the Worlds of Honor books while the second half is new material. It’s worth a read for any Honor Harrington fan. I’m really looking forward to the next main sequence Honor Harrington book ‘A Rising Thunder’ especially considering how ‘Mission of Honor’ finished. I’m about half way through a re-read of On Basilisk Station, it’s still very enjoyable.

Vote for your favorite GWC Podcast 279 quote(s). This poll will be active for 14 days.

I am finally catching up on the cast and tonight on the commute home, weird things happened. When Audra started talking about her love of the Jeep Wrangler, what appeared in my rearview, A Jeep Wrangler. Later in the cast, the crew was discussing the VW Beetle, and once again, an old school Orange VW Beetle appeared in the rearview. I kept my eyes open for that K-Car, but none appeared.

Thanks for the Cast: Sean, Chuck and Audra

Add Red Skull’s Mercedes from Captain America to the list of fantasy cars I want. That thing is a beast! Who cares if the turning radius is larger than a semi truck’s.

I think the funniest part was Red Skull reluctantly giving the keys to his minion and telling the minion not to scratch the car. :slight_smile:

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Chuck should track this place down. I’m sure he could get one on the cheap.

Don’t tease me! This is my single most must-own vehicle.

When I win LOTTO, Chuck gets a DeLorean.

I was driving home last night and a guy driving a DeLorean let me merge. It was like having someone hold the gates of heaven open for you.

What’s the fund up to? Anything substantial, or just a jar of change so far?