#2: Of Mites and Men

Who’s OSSIM!?! hatondog is OSSIM!!

I sent an email to both of these addresses, but jcooper@Hersheys.com came back undeliverable “because of security policies” :eyebrow:.

Thanks for setting up the website and posting the form letter:).

My pleasure! Thanks for giving this a shot. Even if it doesn’t produce results, it was a way to say thanks to the Eureka folks.

Annoying about Jay Cooper’s email–I’ve written to him to alert him to the campaign effort, so hopefully he’ll be receptive to receiving future messages.

In the meantime, two other marketing execs at Hershey might be open to receiving messages:

Phil Stanley, VP Customer Marketing, pstanley @hersheys.com
Timothy Dunigan, VP Sales, tdunigan@hersheys.com

If all else fails, there’s always snail mail…